How Eastwood Child Care Centers Foster Growth Beyond the Classroom

When parents think about child care, they often focus on the basics: safety, supervision, and basic education. However, Eastwood Child Care Centers go far beyond these essentials, fostering growth that extends well beyond the classroom. Here’s how they achieve this holistic development.

Emphasis on Emotional Intelligence

At Eastwood Child Care Centers, emotional intelligence is a cornerstone of the curriculum. Children are taught to recognize and manage their emotions, develop empathy for others, and build strong interpersonal skills. This focus on emotional growth helps children navigate social situations with confidence and compassion.

Encouraging Creativity and Imagination

Creativity is not just an art class activity at Eastwood; it is woven into every aspect of the day. From imaginative play to creative problem-solving exercises, children are encouraged to think outside the box. This nurtures their ability to innovate and adapt, skills that are invaluable in today’s ever-changing world.

Physical Development and Wellness

Physical activity is a key component of the daily routine at Eastwood Child Care Centers. With well-designed outdoor play areas and structured physical education programs, children develop their motor skills, coordination, and overall physical health. This emphasis on wellness ensures that children grow up with a healthy lifestyle.

Community Engagement

Eastwood Child Care Centers believe in the power of community. Regular events and activities involve not just the children, but also their families and the local community. This fosters a sense of belonging and teaches children the importance of community involvement and cooperation.

Lifelong Learning Habits

The goal at Eastwood is to instill a love for learning that lasts a lifetime. Through a variety of engaging and interactive learning experiences, children develop curiosity and a passion for discovery. This foundation sets them up for academic success and a lifelong pursuit of knowledge.


Choosing the right child care center is about more than just finding a safe place for your child to stay during the day. It’s about finding a place that nurtures their growth in every aspect of their development. Eastwood Child Care Centers excel in providing an environment where children can thrive emotionally, creatively, physically, and socially. For parents seeking quality child care in Eastwood, these centers offer a comprehensive approach that truly fosters growth beyond the classroom.

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