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The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) serves as a foundation for children's learning at child care Eastwood Early Education Centre. It helps them structure and understand their social environment as they actively interact with people, objects, and concepts. The EYLF Learning Outcomes are specific goals that children can attain as they learn and grow. These outcomes encompass areas like identity, community, wellbeing, learning, and communication. They are employed at Eastwood Early Education Centre to record children's play and to design diverse experiences and activities. This ensures a well-thought-out approach to facilitating children's education.

Our Services


High Quality Education and Childcare

Guided by the principles of the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) - namely 'Being, Belonging, and Becoming' - and the National Quality Framework (NQF), we at Child Care Eastwood Early Education Centre have designed a setting that combines purposeful teaching with spontaneous learning. This approach empowers your child to acquire enduring skills in communication, social interaction, resilience, empowerment, and independence. Our approach fosters an environment where children learn naturally through play. They are encouraged to explore and engage in a diverse range of educational activities. This approach supports every facet of your child’s growth and development: their sense of self, their connection to the community, their well-being, their learning journey, and their communication skills. The physical surroundings of our facility at Eastwood Early Education Centre are thoughtfully curated to reflect the lives and cultures of the children who attend our service.

  • Provide an environment that allows children time to learn through play – to explore and take part in a variety of learning experiences.
  • Supports all aspects of your child’s learning and development – identity, community, wellbeing, learning and communication.
  • Physical environment reflect the lives and cultures of the children who use the service.

Visit Us Today!

We encourage you to experience child care Eastwood Early Education Centre firsthand—come and witness it yourself. Feel free to explore our premises; our amiable staff members are more than happy to guide you through a tour and address any inquiries you may have. You're also welcome to bring your child along, allowing them to discover the center, Eastwood Early Education Centre, on their own. Ultimately, their perspective holds immense value!

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    About Us

    Why Eastwood Blessings?

    Every stage of life unfolds as a fresh adventure, and our center, Eastwood Blessings, is crafted to instill a sense of awe in our youngest learners while addressing the diverse developmental needs of every child.

    At Eastwood Blessings, we derive immense satisfaction from crafting environments that empower your little explorers to unearth new insights at every corner, maximizing learning opportunities seamlessly woven into their play. We champion investigation, problem-solving, independence, and confidence-building, prioritizing the cultivation of resilience in our young minds as the foundation for lifelong learning and interpersonal skills.

    Our early childhood educators provide exceptional care within a nurturing and welcoming atmosphere. Tailored learning programs are meticulously designed to support each child's unique journey, facilitating the expansion of their learning capabilities. We recognize the significance of fostering robust child-staff-family relationships to gain deeper insights into your child's needs, an integral part of preparing them to confidently embark on life's journey with the essential skills for a promising start.


    Our Activities


    Our program offers children the chance to freely explore their learning environment. Through our program, we emphasize a learning approach centered around play. We take care to address each child's unique needs by providing them with the opportunity to choose a space where they feel a sense of belonging, whether that's within a classroom or outdoors. In our indoor areas designed for different age groups, we've created designated "Learning Spaces." These include: Book Corner: This is where children can engage with various texts, allowing them to explore literacy and derive meaning from the materials. Dramatic Play Area: Here, children participate in imaginative play with both their peers and educators. This helps them develop an understanding of the world from their own perspective. Construction Area: This space offers children access to construction and manipulative materials. It encourages both individual and group play experiences. Creative Area: In this area, children are free to use their imagination and express their ideas using a variety of natural and man-made materials. Meal Area: This is where children gather in groups to share meals and interact. Some meal times are flexible, allowing children to complete their ongoing experiences or activities. Music and Movement Area: Children use this space for imaginative dancing and movement. It's also a place where the group can unwind to music, sing along to rhymes, and enjoy jingles. Overall, our program promotes a holistic learning environment that supports individuality, creativity, and social interaction.

    Children are encouraged to establish a connection with the natural environment and initiate the process of learning and comprehending the world around them. Engaging in Early Childhood Education Eastwood play within natural surroundings offers significant benefits to children's overall well-being. The outdoor setting enables children to actively explore, interact with, and gain firsthand experience of the various natural landscapes provided by the Explorers program. Furthermore, children are given the opportunity to participate in activities that involve an element of risk-taking, allowing them to navigate through spaces and overcome obstacles. The educational and care service ensures that the play and learning environments are not only visually appealing but also safe, adaptable, and practical in nature. Guidance is extended to educators, children, and families to embrace practices that are environmentally sustainable. The design and functionality of both indoor and outdoor settings contribute to the enhancement of children's emotional, physical, social, cognitive, and spiritual well-being. This carefully crafted environment aligns with the educational and care objectives of the program, fostering in children a strong sense of identity and belonging. Additionally, it facilitates their overall growth and development.

    When children are at rest or sleeping, their brain remains actively engaged, assisting in the processing of information accumulated throughout the day. Moreover, this period is crucial for the brain to consolidate past memories. Adequate rest at the Eastwood Early Education Centre is thus essential for this processing to occur effectively. Allocating time for relaxation enables the body to recover physically and the mind to sustain mental alertness. For children in the kindergarten or preschool age group who still require naps, a study has revealed that these naps at the Eastwood Early Education Centre can contribute to enhanced learning. This is achieved by solidifying the memories formed earlier in the day. Essentially, this signifies that the period of rest at the Eastwood Early Education Centre empowers children to better retain what they learned before taking their nap.

    Daily Meals

    • Baked beans on wholemeal toast
    • Rainbow Fruit Platter
    • Vegetable sticks and dips
    • Raisin toast
    • Yoghurt and Fruit
    • Weetbix
    • Banana bread
    • English muffin with cheese and tomato
    • Muesli Fruit Slice
    • Carrot, Banana and Sultana Muffins
    • Lamb Meatballs
    • Fried Rice with Beef
    • Honey Soy Lamb Stir Fry with Noodles
    • Lasagne
    • Baked Chicken Risotto
    • Beef Stroganoff
    • Chicken and Corn Slice
    • Creamy Tuna Pasta
    • Lentil Soup
    • Shepherd's Pie
    • Fruit Kebabs
    • Vegetable Platter
    • Wholemeal Sandwiches
    • Fresh Fruit and Custard
    • Cheese and Vegemite Scrolls
    • Mini Pizza
    • Wholemeal crackers with Cheese, Sultana and Carrot sticks
    • Rice Cracker with assorted toppings
    • Carrot Muffin
    • Savoury Platter